Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa carcinoma epidermóide

#1 - Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará, p.421-427

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Duarte M.D., Oliveira C.M.C., Reis A.B., Peixoto T.C., Brito M.F. & Peixoto P.V. 2009. [Perineal squamous cell carcinoma in goats in the State of Pará, Brazil.] Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):421-427. Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Campus Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: Squamous cell carcinoma in goats of two farmers in the State of Pará is described. Prevalence, correlation with the pigmentation of the perineal area and macro and microscopic characteristics of the lesions were studied. The tumors on the perineum were of varied development degrees, diameters and forms. On one farm, in the county of Viseu, from a total of 347 goats, 20 presented the neoplasia (5.8%). On the second farm, in the county of Garrafão do Norte, three cases of squamous cell carcinoma in a herd of 400 goats (0.75 %) were observed. The tumor was only observed in animals in which the perineal area was despigmented. The high incidence of this tumor appears to be due, to lack of pigmentation at the períneo and the high and short tail of the goats, that exposes the area to intense of ultraviolet radiation in the tropics.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Duarte M.D., Oliveira C.M.C., Reis A.B., Peixoto T.C., Brito M.F. & Peixoto P.V. 2009. [Perineal squamous cell carcinoma in goats in the State of Pará, Brazil.] Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):421-427. Escola de Medicina Veterinária, Campus Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: Squamous cell carcinoma in goats of two farmers in the State of Pará is described. Prevalence, correlation with the pigmentation of the perineal area and macro and microscopic characteristics of the lesions were studied. The tumors on the perineum were of varied development degrees, diameters and forms. On one farm, in the county of Viseu, from a total of 347 goats, 20 presented the neoplasia (5.8%). On the second farm, in the county of Garrafão do Norte, three cases of squamous cell carcinoma in a herd of 400 goats (0.75 %) were observed. The tumor was only observed in animals in which the perineal area was despigmented. The high incidence of this tumor appears to be due, to lack of pigmentation at the períneo and the high and short tail of the goats, that exposes the area to intense of ultraviolet radiation in the tropics.

#2 - Squamous cell carcinomas in_sheep on a farm in southem Brazil

Abstract in English:

Squamous cell carcinomas in Polwarth sheep were studied during two years on a farm in southern Brazil. The first case was observed in December 1977. From this date to March 1980, 14 additional sheep in a flock of 792 were affected. Eighteen neoplasms were observed in 15 sheep. Twelve of them were located on the muzzle, three on the ears, two on the eyelids and one on the lower lip. Nine neoplasms were surgically removed and only one recidivated during the observation period. Macroscopic and histologic appearance of the neoplasms are described. No metastases were detected in six necropsied sheep. The high incidence of neoplasms was assumed to be a consequence of the large percentage of old sheep in the flock.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A ocorrência de carcinomas epidermóides em ovinos da raça Ideal foi estudada, durante um período de dois anos, em um estabelecimento do município de Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul. O primeiro caso foi observado em um carneiro em dezembro de 1977. A partir desta data, até março de 1980, em um rebanho de 792 ovelhas de mais de 4 anos, 15 animais apresentaram a neoplasia, observando-se 18 tumores, com 12 localizações no focinho, três nas orelhas, duas nas pálpebras e uma no lábio inferior. Macroscopicamente, os tumores eram caracterizados por uma área ulcerada coberta por crosta de tecido necrótico, com superfície de corte de aspecto granuloso e branco-amarelado em 17 casos, e notava-se que as neoplasias infiltravam-se nos tecidos circundantes; histologicamente, as lesões tinham características de blastomas bem diferenciados, em 17 casos, com formação de quantidade considerável de queratina, com estroma abundante e infiltrado por linfócitos. Em nove animais a neoplasia foi extirpada cirurgicamente, ocorrendo recidiva somente em um caso durante o período de observação. Os seis ovinos necropsiados não apresentaram evidências de metástases nas observações macroscópica e histológica. A alta incidência da neoplasia (1,8%) foi atribuída ao elevado percentual de animais velhos na constituição do rebanho estudado.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV